Family packing list- cruise

My family’s packing list in a nutshell!! My excitement for Disney Cruising can’t be contained! By far, the best family vacations we have ever gone on ๐Ÿ˜ƒ 

Where are some of your favorite places to go with family? 

Keri ๐Ÿ’ž

Legoland, Californiaย 

Our first family vacation as a family of 4! Little B is just over 6 months and Big N is 5 years! It’s been a while since we took a family vacation like this so I’m hoping for the best! It’s always a little stressful traveling with littles but I have full faith that it’s going to be ok!

First off, we had to figure out what we were going to do while the hubs was at his work conference. Yes, what we did was tag along to a trade show and then extended it so we could have family time! I figure it’s a win win for all involved! Right ๐Ÿ™‚

Our choices in the Anaheim and semi near area are the obvious Disneyland, Sea World, San Diego Zoo, LA, beaches, Legoland and so many more!

However traveling with little with 4-1/2 years in age difference, we had to weight the pros and cons of each. Which sadly meant… No Disneyland. That’s ok, my 5 years is still slightly unsure of big cartoon characters that are bigger than life! 

Our main activity would be legoland. From what I’ve heard and rea, it’s a great place for littles! Little littles! Even being on the “tall” side for his age, Big N is still too short to go alone on rides which was our main reason for vetoing Disneyland. A TA told me there were maybe 5 rides that he might be able to go on without me. Maybe. And since I can’t babywear on rides, that was important information. Legoland was a good mix. I’d say more than 50% of the park was something he could do alone or we could do together! Bingo! That’s exactly what I was hoping for! 

We booked our ticket for legoland though Costco travel! We’ve used them before (our honeymoon!) and have always loved the pricing and packages. Same for this! We ended up getting a 3 day, non-consecutive day passes! Non-consecutive was VERY important because we were going during their off season which meant that some of the “parks” were closed or had shorter hours! Be very aware of this when booking theme parks! Any theme parks! The days we were thinking were Sunday, Monday & Thursday (maybe Friday). This gave us the option of any 3 days within 14 days! Perfect!

Here are a few pics!

First day, a Sunday. The whole family went and we explored the main park and Chima water park! So much fun!

Day 2, just my littles and I! We explored more of the main park. Friendship town, Duplo village, and we even found some amazing splash pads! This is Little B’s first swing! He obviously loved it!!     

Day 3, we went back as a family and visit the main park again (and daddy won his Big boy some minions!) and Sea Life Aquarium. Again, very cool!! 

*getting these home was INTERESTING!!   

A few quick tips for traveling with littles…

Busy bags

Snacks, a lot of them!

iPad! Yes, it’s a must!

My ergo baby carrier! It was a lifesaver in the airport and throughout the whole trip!

Get to the airport early, yes, at least 2 hrs! You never know what kind of hiccups you may face. We were granted TSA pre check but we still had some running around to do because of the stoller. Did you know you have to get it weighed? I just thought I could gate check it no problem! 

Where are your favorite family vacation spots? I’m excited because we just found out next years trade show is in… Drum roll please… Orlando!! 6 yr old & 18 month old… Do you think we can handle Disney World? Maybe ๐Ÿ™‚

Keri ๐Ÿ’ž